The Culture Report: Americans’ Twitter Profanity, Seasonal Work Schedules?, India’s “Gold” Girls

Here’s some of our top picks for stories in culture:

The Atlantic: How America Swears: Here’s a Heatmap Tracking Twitter Profanity ““ “We know, at this point, how the nation tweets. But what about how the nation swears? The Ukrainian-based web development firm Vertaline, aiming to answer that question, scanned tweets posted from across 462 specific locations in the U.S. The team then isolated particular phrases from those tweets — one of those phrases being, yep, “fuck you,” which they tracked between July 14 and July 24, 2012″”…Continue Reading

GOOD: Should Work Schedules Change with the Seasons? ““ “Biking to work is pretty grounding. You’re more connected to the world around you. In the summer, I show up to work sweating like I just lost a dance-off. In the winter, I show up sweating like I just lost a dance-off and the booby prize was a chance to stick my head and arms in a freezer for five minutes. But once inside the office, it’s as if the changing seasons don’t exist””…Continue Reading

InhabitatStarbucks To Recycle Coffee Grounds and Food Waste into Bio-Plastics in Hong Kong — “Over the past year, Starbucks has launched a range of initiatives to reduce their footprint, and now in order to tackle their share of the 1.3 billion tons of food that is put into landfills worldwide each year, the coffee giant is working with biorefinery scientists to transform food waste from their stores into a key ingredient for making plastics, laundry detergents and a host of other everyday products””…Continue Reading

Time: India’s Golden Girls: How Sports and the Olympics Can Uplift Women — “After winning her bronze medal at the London Olympics, Saina Nehwal’s homecoming attracted the sort of fervor usually reserved for India’s tournament-winning cricket teams. Hundreds of fans turned up at the airport despite it being late in the night. In all the excitement, the 22-year-old badminton player got hit in the face by a flower bouquet before standing atop an open-top bus to wave to the throngs below””…Continue Reading


Photo by: lalisajajoy

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