The Culture Report: Pakistani Women Risk All For Love, Life in a Turban…

pakistan woman

Here’s some of our top picks for stories in culture:

The New York Times: Defying Parents, Some Pakistani Women Risk All to Marry Whom They Choose – KARACHI, Pakistan “” Nusrat Mochi, now 25, left her parents’ home one day to go to work and never returned. Instead of starting a job as a domestic worker, she ran away to begin a new life, against her family’s wishes, with a husband of her choosing rather than the one they had chosen for her. Her parents’ wrath has trailed her ever since”…Continue Reading

Vimeo: Moving Portraits: September 11th Anniversary (VIDEO) – Moving Portraits documents where we have come in the ten years since 9/11 by asking people to share a word, phrase, or image that responds to “On 9/11/11 …” The installation shares intimate moments about our own personal growth, but also explores how we, as friends, family, and strangers, remain connected ten years after the events that changed our nation and the world.”…Continue Reading

Grist: Organic food: Still more than an elitist lifestyle choice – It happens like clockwork; every few months, a rant against local and/or organic food appears in one of the papers of record. The author is nearly always an educated man who uses the words “elite” and “elitist” at least 175 times while defending today’s corporate food system and implying directly or indirectly that changes to the status quo “” which often inherently begin with those who can afford to make them “” should be seen as suspect at best, and downright damaging at worst”…Continue Reading

Salon: My life in a turban – Hate appeared early in my life before I even knew it had a name. It poured in from the television screen, from strangers on the street who made jokes or compared me to cartoon characters, based on nothing but my turban, the sign of my Sikh faith. It wasn’t enough to rankle the normal rhythm of life, but it was a recognizable pattern. It rose into my conscience slowly, like a capillary action”…Continue Reading


Photo by Hashoo Foundation USA – Houston, TX
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