We’ve seen the rise of the hybrid or the electric car, innovations for a cleaner, safer and smarter tomorrow. Yet in the Netherlands, they’re not redesigning the car, they’re changing the road. This “smart highway” is equipped with ice-crystal markings that light up with the dropping temperature, glow in the dark features and a lane that can charge electric cars as they drive.
From Fast Company
Innovation in transportation typically happens at the level of the vehicle. The past decade has seen the growth of hybrids, electrics, and velomobiles. Every new year brings new car models, and busses, trains, and subways continue to get nicer and “smarter” (with real-time transit information, for example).
So why does the other side of the transportation equation–the roads we drive on–seem to stay more or less frozen in time?”…Continue Reading on Fast Company
Kristin Kownacky is a junior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, where she is currently working towards a BA in journalism and international studies. It is her dream to travel the world, discovering hidden treasures and writing about each experience. Read her articles on her personal blog, Depart We Now.
Photo via Studio Roosengaarde