Our friends at Designed Good certainly know how to curate the coolest and most thoughtful artisan products that just happen to be the perfect gift ideas for Valentine’s Day. As a member of their community, I receive a weekly email, which displays the thoughtfully chosen products that will be on sale for the remainder of the week.
Today’s e-blast featured beautiful notecards from 100Cameras, a NYC nonprofit that gives cameras, food, water, medicine, and clothing to kids in South Sudan, Cuba, and NYC, as well as the Taza Chocolate Oaxaca Sampler. Taza is a Direct Trade certified company that has direct relationships with cacao bean farmers and pays them at least 500 US dollars per metric ton above the New York Board of Trade price for a sustainable, fair wage.
There are three other fabulous gift ideas, but you’ll have to check them out for yourself here. To learn more about Designed GOOD’s full collection become of member of the community.