For three flight attendants, the perk of free flights isn’t just for pleasure, it’s for humanitarian efforts around the world. Whether in Ethiopia, Ghana or Guatemala, these women are using their layovers to volunteer at orphanages and schools in the places where help is needed most.
The next time you see flight attendants zooming through an airport, don’t assume their luggage is packed with clothes for a Paris overnight. They may well be transporting urgently needed supplies to some of the world’s poorest citizens. Because what these Samaritans lack in billions””their average salary is $41,720″”they make up for in perks: free travel and, on some airlines, free baggage.
When United flight attendant Mary Beth Lavin heard in 2008 that an Ethiopian orphanage was nearly out of formula, she stuffed three suitcases full of the product and, off duty, got on a plane. In 2009 she founded Formula One Life, a nonprofit that delivers formula, supplements and water-purification devices to Ethiopia, Guatemala and Haiti…Continue Reading
Kristin Kownacky is a junior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, where she is currently working towards a BA in journalism and international studies. It is her dream to travel the world, discovering hidden treasures and writing about each experience. Read her articles on her personal blog, Depart We Now.
Photo flight attendant perks: alexindigo