Nine Girls, Nine Tragic Stories, an Infinite Hope for Education

Girl Rising


“This is not the end. It is the beginning.” Sokha was a Cambodian child of the dump: orphaned and forced to pick through garbage to survive. But, through a series of miracles, Sokha finds her way to school ““ and, like a phoenix, she has risen to become a star student on the brink of a brilliant and once unimaginable future. —Girl Rising

Faced with tragic and dangerous obstacles each day, millions of girls around the world are prohibited from getting an education. A new film called Girl Rising tells the stories of nine extraordinary girls from nine countries who face poverty, slavery and arranged marriages. The film was released by 10×10, a global campaign which works to share meaningful stories about the power of educating girls in the hope of inspiring individuals to take action and support the initiative. Intel has partnered with 10×10 to expand the awareness and impact of educational programs through technology, and relationships that will work towards improving educational opportunities for girls and women around the world.

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kristin kowlackyABOUT THE CURATOR

Kristin Kownacky is a junior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, where she is currently working towards a BA in journalism and international studies. It is her dream to travel the world, discovering hidden treasures and writing about each experience. Read her articles on her personal blog, Depart We Now.


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