From Paper to Jewelry: The Women of Uganda’s Acholi Quarter Finally Have Hope

Bone Bracelet Project Have Hope


Project Have Hope is a non-profit organization that seeks to empower women in the Acholi Quarter of Uganda by providing education to both the women and their children and assisting the women to establish business opportunities to promote economic stability and sustainability. By selling handmade jewelry made of paper, coins and glass, the women can help support themselves.

The organization’s newest collection, Hope Cures, features necklaces and bracelets that promote cancer awareness. For every purchase made from this collection, one dollar will be donated to the Uganda Child Cancer Foundation. Cancer is prevalent throughout Uganda,  but with limited resources and poverty widespread, treatment comes all too late, if even at all. While 60 percent of cancer deaths occur in third world countries, only five percent of research spending happens there.

Each color in the collection represents a different type of cancer. By purchasing Hope Cures jewelry, you can help support funding for medical treatment for children in Uganda who are afflicted with cancer.






Kristin Kownacky is a junior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, where she is currently working towards a BA in journalism and international studies. It is her dream to travel the world, discovering hidden treasures and writing about each experience. Read her articles on her personal blog, Depart We Now.

Photos via Project Have Hope

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