Beer vs. Wine: Surprising Facts, Top-Selling Brands and Popular Fests (INFOGRAPHIC)

Beer vs. Wine

Did you know that no one enjoys wine more than the residents of the Vatican City? They are considered to be the world’s biggest consumers of wine with 365 bottles a year per capita (that’s exactly one bottle per day). California wines dominated the list of top wine brands in 2012 while a certain Chinese beer took first place among popular brews such as Busweiser and Corona.

“It’s an age-old debate, probably as old as the most antiquated oak barrels and brew pots,” says Alex Hillsberg, Editor of Finance Online. “Behind the waggish claims from both beer and wine camps, sober or otherwise, lie a serious battle to wrestle market shares in developed and emerging markets and across generations.

If we go by votes, the people who altogether consumed 189 billion liters of beer in 2011 clearly outnumbered those who drank wine for a collective 24 million liters in the same year. But sales can be misleading.

As highlighted in the infographic below, wine is gaining popularity””more pronouncedly in the United States according to a Gallup survey“”even as beer consumption is sliding down in traditional markets, such as, horror of horrors, Germany.” So which libation truly reigns supreme among the masses? Read on to find out.

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