Learn How to Throw Insults in Brazilian Portuguese with This Short Language Course

world cup brazil teams

World Cup Brazil photo via Shutterstock

With the World Cup beginning today, soccer fever is spreading the world over, so why not really get your game face on and learn a bit of Portuguese?  

In an attempt to encourage people to truly become immersed in this awesome cultural experience, Mango Languages has created a free Brazilian Portuguese course devoted to the celebration of soccerIn three chapters, learners can pick up how to make game-watching plans, swap insults at opposing players and referees (an art form in Brazil), and cheer on a favorite team. The course helps turn the World Cup into an engaging and entertaining opportunity to pick up some Portuguese and dive into Brazilian soccer culture.

Many people fall short of their language learning goals because of a lack of time and commitment. By using the World Cup as an entry point, learners can quickly gain momentum with usable language skills.

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