In 2005, Jonathan Golden, founder of Land of a Thousand Hills, recognized a simple and tangible opportunity to positively contribute to the reconciliation of the Rwandan people who are still picking up pieces of their lives shattered by the 1994 genocide. This realization led Golden to start a coffee company that pays a fair wage to the farmers of Rwanda and helps them with their basic needs.
The introduction of specialty coffee to the healing fields of Rwanda proved to be an uncommon opportunity for once warring countrymen to not only rebuild their homesteads, but to work together toward lasting peace. A commitment to excellence in coffee has brought dignity and hope to a nation that history suggested would never recover.
Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Co. partners with farmers and local community leaders to develop the coffee into a sustainable income, pay a just Living Wage, and strive to further meet the needs of the people. The coffee company teaches villagers to grow specialty grade coffee on their tiny plots of land, paying them as much as $3.20 per lb, more than twice the fair trade wage. When you buy Land of a Thousand Hills, you are receiving coffee that is 100% Arabica, fairly traded, and roasted fresh. Your excellent morning cup is offering hope to these developing coffee communities with each purchase.
To learn more about Land of a Thousand Hills, visit their website and follow them on Instagram for more photos like these.