A selection of hip, eco-friendly and socially-conscious products that every Millennial should own.
12 Things Every Millennial Should Own
By The Culture-ist
Sustainable Sunglasses
By The Culture-ist
Based in Idaho, [Proof Eyewear](http://www.iwantproof.com/) is a pioneer in handcrafted, sustainable wood sunglasses. A portion of every purchase goes to a worthy cause through their [Do Good Program.](http://www.iwantproof.com/pages/do-good-program)
By The Culture-ist
Apple gives a portion of the purchase price from the sales of [(PRODUCT)RED](https://www.apple.com/ca/product-red/) products to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.
Ecosystem Journals
By The Culture-ist
With a mandate to protect the environment, [these journals](http://www.ecosystemlife.com/) have a unique narrative: their past is 100% recycled paper and its present (and future!) are the ideas recorded on the pages.
The Seven Year Pen
By The Culture-ist
This [eco-friendly pen](https://www.seltzergoods.com/the-seven-year-pen-c-21.html) reduces waste and promises to write an average of 5.5 feet each day for 7 years. Surely a worthy investment! A portion of sales is donated to environmental causes.
People Tree Clothing
By The Culture-ist
An advocate for sustainable, ethical fair-trade fashion, [People Tree](http://www.peopletree.co.uk/) operates under a business model of slow fashion, standing up against the negative effects of the fast-paced fashion industry.
Me to We's Rafiki Friend Chain
By The Culture-ist
Me to We offers ethically manufactured products. With every [Rafiki Friend Chain](http://www.metowe.com/rafiki-friend-chains/) bought, a child or family in a developing nation is supplied with necessities such as clean water and medical care.
DAYTECH Solar Charger 5000
By The Culture-ist
This [solar charger](http://www.bmstrading.ca/Products.html) uses the sun's renewable energy to charge your electronic devices. It fits easily into your pocket, making it the perfect portable power supply when you're on the go.
LUSH Cosmetics
By The Culture-ist
Their fresh and natural bath and body products are handmade with love with 100% ethically sourced ingredients. [LUSH](http://www.lush.ca/) is dedicated to supporting various charitable campaigns.
Reusable Tote Bags
By The Culture-ist
[Envirosax](http://www.envirosax.com/) provides an eco-friendly and stylish alternative to disposable shopping bags with reusable bags that are fashionable, portable and can last up to five years.
Cork-Wrapped Porcelain Mug
By The Culture-ist
Protect the enviroment from paper cup waste with a cork-wrapped porcelain mug from [Cortica.](http://www.corkcoffeemug.com/) The cup looks cool and keeps your hot drinks hot. Proceeds from sales support cork forests in Portugal.
Water-Powered Clock
By The Culture-ist
[Bedol](http://www.bedolwhatsnext.com/water-powered-clock-c-89_199.html?osCsid=3eo9n70hijapduiefovfsod4n2)'s Water Clock runs solely on natural power. Fill it up with tap water and you're set for 8-12 weeks of accurate timekeeping. It's environmentally practical and hassle-free.
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brene Brown
By The Culture-ist
A thought leader on living with authenticity, Brown discusses the importance of embracing who you are in "[Imperfection](http://brenebrown.com/books/)". Her book on vulnerability, "[Daring Greatly](http://brenebrown.com/books/)" is also an insightful read.